Patronesses/Alumnae Advisors
Patronesses/Alumnae Advisors
The following women have donated countless hours as Delta Patronresses/Alumnae Advisors over many, many years. We truly owe them a debt of gratitude for their work with current members of Delta on behalf of our Alumnae. Note: In 2014 the term Patroness was updated to Alumnae Advisor. The names of current Alumnae Advisors appear in bold.
Claudia Newton ‘84 (2008 - Present)
Elizabeth (Becky) Callihan ’94 (2020 - Present)
Katie Gaw ’97 (2008 - Present)
Janet Grenda ’85 (2010 - Present)
Lori Hatfield ’80 (1982 - Present)
Elizabeth (Liz) Hind ’95 (2016 - Present)
Cathy Schilling ’76 (2008 - Present)
Meigan Karraker (University Advisor)
Sharilyn Bailey 1989-1993 (presented with paperweight)
Luann Bangsund 1975-1979
Judy Strack Bowman 1970-2010
Sally Clark 1978-1982
Janet Curtis 1994-2008
Mary Kay Jacobs 1970-2010
Martha Kennedy 1974-1978
Karen Miller 1974-1975
Bechy Moore 1982-2012 (served for many years as a Patroness then Patroness Emeritus until her death in 2012)
Claudia Motylewski 2013-2017
Cindy Munz 1983-1992
Julie Shuler 1996-2010
Katie Zabaleta 1992-1999 (presented with paperweight)