Academics/University Honors

  • Cassandra Montanez

    Academic Chair, Spring 2025


    As Academic Chair I help members succeed academically by overseeing study hours and ensuring everyone meets study requirements. My role consists of providing resources, organizing study groups, and connecting Deltas with campus support. My role also includes tracking progress, offering incentives, and supporting Deltas who need help with their studies.





  • Academics
    Academic achievement is a top priority for members of Delta Kappa Psi. Not only does the Greek community enforce grade point average requirements to join and remain an active member of a sorority or fraternity, but Delta enforces GPA requirements above the community minimum for those seeking to hold leadership positions in Delta. 


    Deltas is blessed to have Meigan Karraker, Director of Academic Support and Accessibility, as its University Advisor. Meigan is extremely approachable and always makes herself available to Deltas seeking academic support services from the university.

    While chapters are required to maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average to be considered in good standing, Delta's cumulative GPA for fall 2024 was 3.361. Women who attained Dean's List status for last semester are listed below.
  • Deans List Fall 2024


    Aguilar, Aylin
    Hallstone, Kyra
    Babineaux, Alley
     Johnson, Lauren
    Cardosi, Elena
     Malaspino, Taylor
    Chua, Christine
     Monge, Paola
    Constantino, Caitlyn
     Montanez, Cassandra
    Cuellar, Mariana
     Van Pelt, Elena
    Estrada, Natalie
     Wooliver, Haylee



  • Universitiy Honors


    Continuing in the tradition of being "First and Finest Since 1910" Delta was acknowledged as Sorority of the Year for 2023-2024 at the Greek Life Awards Banquet.


    The same evening Vivian Pallares '24, Vice President of Public Relations for Greek Council, was honored as Greek Executive Council Member of the Year.


    Univeristy of Redlands Academic Expectations

    Greek students focus on academic achievement and excellence as a community. New members are required to complete 20 hours of study per week during the new members process and must have a minimum 2.5 GPA before they can join a Greek organization.


    As an organization, Greeks are held accountable to the Greek Academics Policy where a group faces a loss of privileges if they fall below a cumulative 3.0 GPA.


    As an individual, every member in the Greek community must have a 2.5 GPA or they run the risk of losing privileges.


    Average GPA of all Delta Members: 3.34
    Average GPA of Delta New Members: 3.54